Thursday, November 4, 2010

Running low...

Good morning to everyone. It has been an emotional rollercoaster here of delay, going, no going, delay, going, no going, delay... I think NASA has changed my airline ticket 4 times now. Besides that-great trip! I actually got to see Discovery. I mean this is the shuttle that took up Hubble, is taking the first robot up, and is the oldest. Wow-I got to see it! Saying that ... I am TIRED! I will be at school tomorrow physically but man will I be exhausted. I think I will sleep a lot on the plane. I really think the shuttle will be going up in December but maybe the weather will let her fly high tomorrow. I have seen thousands of people camped along the edge of the water ways to see Discovery so I know I am not alone : ) Science nerds united!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happiness & Sadness

So as I am watching a pod of dolphins in the Indian River with the large NASA buildings in the background ... the cell phone rings. Discovery will not be flying tomorrow. Sadness fills the car - all of us are bumbed ... but very happy to have been able to see the shuttle on the launch pad. I have had an amazing chance to be here ... but still have a little sadness. I did get a chance to talk with the mother of the commander today-Mrs. Lyndsey. A very nice lady with a good chuckle at her son's 5th planned trip to space. Anyways ... great stories have been had but still some sadness that I won't get to see the shuttle launch ... but a great experience-thank you NASA.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm in Florida!

OMG ... I cannot believe the amount of history I have seen over the last few days at Kennedy Space Center. Wow is about all I can say. I have the hardest conflict in my brain-the center is in the middle of a wildlife refuge. What do I take pictures of ... the shuttle sitting on 39A's pad or the alligator to my right. Ahhhhhhhhh...I like having this issue. So far I have walked under the most amazing machines known to man-a Saturn V rocket, the shuttle, and Gemini rockets. I am in complete awww here. Hope the week is going well back in Cali. Love Ms. H.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What a week!

Wow there were some amazing cars made over the last few days. I was very impressed with the cars and how my students really got into them ... more then in years past. I love doing STEM type activities but this really connected. On a different note, we fly out tomorrow to be with NASA at the launch. I am getting packed and starting to realize where I am going-hehehehe! I still can't believe that little old me is invited ot the launch as a NASA fellow. So cool!!! And yes I am bringing my small astronaut bear for photos. She is cuter than me : )

Friday, September 24, 2010

Density Project...

Wow can you believe that 5 weeks of school have past? Now for the 1st project. The key to writing your density essay project is to first answer the questions on the outline. Once you have the questions answered, sit and write an essay of a page or two. Your thoughts are your essay-you just need to get them down on paper. Don't forget to include key terms including: density, mass, volume, irregular objects, regular objects, ruler, balance, graduated cylinder, calculate, measure, and lab. If you hit a mental road block, feel free to email me ... as long as it is not Sunday night at 8 ... before then I can help.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Loving my school!

Wow. Yesterday was my first day teaching a CSUF saturday class. The experience was great and reminded me ... which I need every once and a while ... how much I love teaching junior high. I am proud to open their minds to the amazing world around them. I have great students this year and am seeing many old students. It is funny how you never know if you really touch the student as much as they touch your heart ... and then some come back. Those few make it known that it is felt. Good times! Teaching the "soon to be teachers" is nice because it is a way to give back and affect the future - great combination. Plus the pay allows me to buy some interesting objects for class : ) For any of my old PSTI students - I hope you are enjoying student teaching or the classes getting you ready.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

1st Week of School!

Wow ... we made it through the 1st week. The class environment is set for the year and now we get to start learning. I like showing Imagine It2! to my students to set their mind but I need to find a way to shorten it. I want to take out about 15 minutes of the video but I am not sure on which 3 sections to take out. My students that engage themselves so far, enjoy the video. My darlings that look like a handful ... not so much. I do still like the message that it sends after we go over classroom rules. It is like rules for the mind. Students will do their first lab next week and make their classroom patch on Monday. This will be interesting!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

My appologies

Good evening to anyone looking at this. I found out 2 days ago that somehow my website has been deleted by our district server. I am currently making a new website - off of our school server. I am beyond upset at the situation but am looking to the future. This is a gift in letting me start new and simplify. The site is on google sites so I can incorporate so much more technology that our district does not use and will shortly be back at The site is listed as Once I feel like it looks decent (sorry but I am a perfectionist) ... I mean the other site took me 6 years to create ... anyway I will switch the name over.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Computer is back!

You would think that NASA Ames would be safe to use your computer ... well I finally have my computer back. So if you have emailed me-sorry but I am just about to finally open my email. Ames was amazing!!! All the groups taught with such ease. Comfort and easy transitions will come with practice but overall-wow! I am amazed at how well everyone did. Great job!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Exploratorium ... here we come!

Good evening everyone! Tomorrow at 9:10 I am going to drive over to the dorms. Hopefully I can find you all : ) The best science lab (without FBI clearance) in the world opens at 10AM. I am thinking exploratorium, Golden Gate, and Lombard street are calling. Did anyone watch the plane fly off today? By the way, if anyone wants to watch TV ... room 120.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Russian Plane?

Okay so how cool is it to be living here at Ames? I just love it. As I was driving back tonight, Emily and I noticed a new plane. So Richard is not here - what? There is a new plane on the field. It is all in Russian. Is it bringing something to Ames for research before going up to ISS or bringing something back??? I want to know-and Richard is not here?! That plane was not here yesterday. Well I hope you have a nice walk tonight around Ames after the nice bbq NASA put on.


Now how amazing was the lab yesterday? Can you imagine figuring out how to clean all of the material. I so want to make comments about other aspects ... but we can't publically talk .... ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Websites are on

Okay red, blue, green, & gold-the websites you wanted are on-line now. If you want to capture videos or music, visit the PSTI page on my website and the links are listed. If you have problems, feel free to email me.

Alka-Seltzer Rockets

Was great to watch everyone enjoying the height, or lack of, the rocket got. There were some strong 10 feet launches. Amazing how pressure carbon dioxide can make. In the classroom, have them try different water levels, different heights of rockets, etc. You all did great!!!

Good morning Flight Crews!

Yeah .... I finally got my blog up and running. Go flight crews! Okay so I am partial to the gold stardust team but I will also say go to the others : ) Please feel free to download anything from my website ( or Richard's.